The Coalition for a safe, fair and inclusive consumer credit market officially launched today during the BEUC Online event | Credit 2.0: Consumer-proof loans in digital time

FiInE is proud to have initiated and consolidated a strongcolaition of NGOs to achieve key steps in favor of  prevention of overindebtedness and responsible lending practices

  • Improving access to credit and qualitative inclusion: better risk assessment methods, based on an individual analysis of the borrowers’ creditworthiness are now made available thanks to open banking and artificial intelligence (AI). If regulated property, and limited to analysing the financial and/or economic data of consumers, such methods could lead to an enlarged and more adjusted credit offer (in size/in costs) that better fits the financial capacity and needs of consumers; 
  • Increasing creditors’ financial resilience (credit institutions and other creditors) and limit risks related to the development non-performing loans (NPLs);
  • Shielding households from financial distress and over-indebtedness, thereby limiting social exclusion, unemployment, poverty, relationship breakdown, mental issues and an increased mortality rate which are all documented impacts of over-indebtedness.

Signatories communication links:


iff for responsible finance – Germany

CCD-Coalition – Maßnahmen zur Stärkung der Verbraucherkreditrichtlinie

ASUFIN – Spain:

Consumers United Association – Romania:

FEANTSA – Europe:

Isadora Duncan Fundacion – Spain:
