What we offer


Our network is able to offer expertise on these different facets of financial inclusion, in various forms (advice/intervention in conferences/writing articles/blog/…)


Depending on the desired format, our researchers, individually or as part of a group, can develop and implement research projects (methodology/implementation/monitoring) at both national and European level.
Our members gathered a large range of academics and experts with strong expertises not only in the field of financial services, but also with this specific perspective of inclusion. The EU single market should help Europe to become truly social in limiting as much as possible exclusion to essential good and services, necessary for a dignified life. The EU single market should concretely implement the European Pillar of Social Right, principle 20:”Everyone has the right to access essential services of good quality, including water, sanitation, energy, transport, financial services and digital communications wissenschaftliche arbeit schreiben. Support for access to such services shall be available for those in need.”